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Milk is considered a wholesome food. It is a rich source of calcium, minerals, vitamins and proteins. The products derived from milk are known as milk products. For better health and strong immune system, consumption of milk is quite essential. However, there are many people who are allergic to these products.

Radish is known as an herb that is hot, pungent, bitter and beneficial in curing worms, digestive fire, piles, and all types of swellings. It is also beneficial in case of hiccups, leprosy, filariasis, and lose of appetite. Easily digestible, sweet, purgative, strong and capable of curing urinary problems, pain in the naval, cough and blood impurities. However, old radish is known to induce seminal disorders, swelling in most body areas, create a burning sensation. One of the known benefits of radish is the treatment of cough.

Didn't realize how noisy and scary silence can be. All our lives we are surrounded by so much external noise that the internal noise gets buried somewhere in our subconscious. The moment the external subsides, the internal starts rearing its ugly head.

"Thorough" testing has included only 600 cloned animals. 570 of them more info are cattle. I guess 30 pigs and goats was enough of a trial run to deem them safe..

Goa, a tiny state on the Arabian Sea is known for their use of vinegar and kokum fruit and love of chilies. Bengali cuisine is the only region in India where food is served in individual courses - elaborate and refined. This way of serving food is based on the ancient belief of eating that promotes healthy digestive process.

I don't know how these new genetic encodings are going to affect those who consume it. Especially over a long period of time. Especially since genetic modification is such a haphazard science today. Altering DNA is usually done by "shooting" in new strands with the help of an E. coli virus. It's pretty primitive. They may make positive improvements to the DNA, and Best ghee in tamil nadu the process they may make damaging, alien changes.

Rich source of calcium: Milk is rich in calcium and calcium is essential for healthy bones and teeth. Diseases such as cancer and osteoporosis can be prevented by proper intake of milk. Growing children also require milk for proper growth of bones and teeth.

Warm milk with chocolate in it is one of the most universal drinks of comfort. Those days are gone. The sacred place the cow holds and the history of milk in Ayurvedic medicine (including ghee) has been darkened by the shadow of modern scientific tyranny.

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