Khichri-An, Unsung Hero Among Indian Recipes

The following pair of recipes shows you what you can do with vegetables. If you thought vegetables were boring, think again, because there is nothing dull about these delicious Indian vegetable cutlets!

Milk is an excellent drink, after water, that can keep you hydrated. It can be used in place of commercial health drinks, carbonated drinks and sodas.

It contains a whole lot of vitamins and minerals to keep you fit, healthy and strong. A glassful of milk contains vitamin A B for good eyesight and increasing RBC count carbohydrates for vitality and energy potassium for proper nerve function magnesium for muscular function phosphorous for energy release protein for body Desi Ghee repair and growth.

Modern life style is fast paced and many people just go to office, slog there and then hit the bar and eat up anything and then tired,they just plop on the bed. This life style has its repercussions and one of these is obesity. A combination of obesity and lack of exercise is a warning that you may be prey to diabetes.

It would be best to utilize genuine spices instead of going for easy to prepare, commercially available curry powder or paste. This way, you will end up cooking a curry dish that is especially flavorful and aromatic.

The following recipe combines click here spices like garam masala, chili, ginger, and cumin with vegetables to make a healthy vegetable dish. You can use any vegetables you like, including peas, beets, cabbage, broccoli, or carrots. Just finely chop them, boil them, and drain them well. This recipe calls for ghee, which is clarified butter. The cutlets are wonderful served hot with chutney on the side.

It has been noted that babies and toddlers who drink from a bottle are more prone to outbreaks of Candida yeast infections in the mouth. One theory is that it happens when a bottle is not properly sterilized. In breastfed babies it is possible for the mother to contract a yeast infection on her breasts and nipples. This can be passed on to her baby. It is just as important for a mother to keep a high standard of hygiene and to make sure her breasts and nipples are kept clean. Drying off properly after showering is essential in keeping yeast infection at bay.

Genetics are the biggest excuse around for having high b.p. The fact that some racial groups have high blood pressure than others has much more to do with lifestyle than it does with genetics. This is proven through the health records of those who are adopted at a young age into families of a different racial background.

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